Networks & Juries
Tinkertank is committed.

With the support of the Vector Stiftung, Tinkertank organizes and curates the Regio Hub Baden-Württemberg of Code Week.

Tinkertank were solemnly received into the network "Frauen in MINT Berufen" (Women in MINT Professions) by Minister of Economic Affairs Dr. Hoffmeister-Kraut.

Member & Board Member
Tinkertank is a long-standing member of natec Landesverband für naturwissenschaftlich-technische Jugendbildung in Baden-Württemberg. Jasmin Mertikat is also a member of the natec board.

Tinkertank program lead Jasmin Mertikat is a jury member of the Kultur- und Kreativpiloten.

Tinkertank program lead Jasmin Mertikat was a jury member at the Animated Games Award - Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film 2018, and the Tinkertank team is regularly in the selection committee.

Tinkertank program lead Jasmin Mertikat was a jury member for the IDEENSTARK award.
Tinkertank educates.

Book and magazine publication
Tinkertank's collaboration on the study "New Formats and Methods of Sociocultural Project Work" was published in book and magazine form.