Mobile Maker Zone

Together with the Fraunhofer Institute IAO, we have developed mobile solutions that are very effective for the quick conversion of a room into a maker space or creative lab. This puts us in the pleasant position of being able to hold our workshops anywhere without much effort.

Creative spaces

To turn an empty space into a living maker space requires creativity, technology, experience and people who live and develop the space. We can help with this and develop a mobile or stationary room concept for you, design and build the furnishings, equip the new place according to individual needs and train the people working there as mentors.


Creativity also needs planning! In order to get a good feeling for the space and to use the resources optimally, it is helpful to first plan the future creative lab digitally.

Tool boxes

Our tool boxes contain the most important ingredients for quick tinkering on the road, at school or at home. This includes tools, material, an Arduino and our Tinkertank brochures full of many valuable tips. The tool boxes can and should be customized.

Photos: (c) Ludmilla Parsyak, Fraunhofer IAO

Please contact us

Phone: +49 (0) 7141 64 96 315 Mail: