Mentor Education

For educational institutions, foundations, creative labs and individuals

Our Mentor Program is aimed at everyone who teaches or gives workshops themselves and would like to use the "Tinkertank Principle" for themselves. The Mentor Program consists of three modules that build on each other. The objectives are the strengthening of group dynamics and the ability to work in a team, the introduction to innovative technologies and the application of didactic methods to inspire and realize one's own workshop concepts.

Module 1 - "The Tinkertank Principle"

In this two-day workshop, participants get to know the Tinkertank Principle "From Deconstruction to Construction": In the first step, they take electronic scrap or other defective objects apart and get inspired to build individual interactive objects in combination with sensors, electronics or mechanics with it. This event stimulates new thought processes and helps the participants to make better use of their creative potential in everyday life.

Module 2 - "The Tinkertank Hackathon"

This four-day event focuses on the handling of electronics, sensors and programming with microcontrollers. Arduino or Raspberry Pi make it possible to design objects that are smart and interactive. An introduction to current software and hardware will give the participants the opportunity to realize their own ideas with the "Rapid Prototyping" method.

Module 3 - "Designing Workshops"

This three-day seminar teaches methods for the conception, design and development of your own creativity workshops. The participants learn to make their own skills and strengths the subject of a workshop concept and to plan and organize a concept according to their personal needs (skills - environment - target group - resources).

Module 4 - "Individual Concepts"

In addition, we plan together with you individual seminars on the methodical handling of children, teenagers and adults in technical-creative topics. If you would like to set up your own Makerspace in your institution, we will help you with the conception, equipment and training of your employees. We take your needs, goals and infrastructure into account. Contact us, together we will find the right solution for you. Your contact person is


Please contact us.
